Monday, March 19, 2007

So much to blog....

...and so little time to do it. But here we go!

I did make it to church yesterday with the kids. Not as relaxing as I had hoped....Celia was having a shy day and didn't want to go in the children's room. We went to Trinity Assembly of God, and I got to hear Pastor Crabtree speak for the first time.

I did enjoy his sermon, but I think my favorite part was the strength of his personal conviction. He was speaking about the importance of the Gospel, how if we could all just live it more, the world would be a better place. As he spoke I could see that he was deeply bothered by some of the social injustices around us today. I have a lot of respect for that: someone who is bother by something wrong...even if it doesn't affect them directly. Maybe because I spend a lot of my time bothered by random things that I can't change....I guess it moved me to see a man who was bothered in the same way (stereotypical, I know. but women tend to be the "fixers" a lot of the time)

I did not maim Chris in any way after he dropped tortillas on the floor and left them for me to clean up. MY tortillas. My specials "reward for not having a breakdown this week" Chilli's tortillas. If you've never had Chilli's tortillas, you need to. They are seriously good. And you don't even have to go there to eat them, you can just pick them up to go.

I spent the morning out at the old church helping my friend organize the childcare rooms. Our girls got a chance to play together and I think both of the rooms look much better. It took a LOT longer than I think either of us had planned for.....but we both share the same obsessive "different toys can't share the same bin" gene and had to sort through everything and organize. It's a big improvement though. She does a great job there without a lot of help. It was nice to spend the morning with her!

Then...the dreaded Walmart trip. If you haven't caught one of my rants on it yet, I view Walmart as the earthly equivalent to the inner rings of hell. Not that I believe in levels of hell, it's a purely literary statement.

We have a brand-spanking new Super Walmart now. If just opened last week. I thought maybe if I went in the middle of an afternoon a week after it opened it wouldn't be too bad. WRONG....boy was I wrong. But I did get the few craft things I've needed for awhile and some more duckies (we LOVE rubber duckies) and made it out alive. Hopefully I won't have to go back for a few months now.

If it's not enough to hate Walmart....I also hate getting there. They have the whole area tore up and corral the cars through a maze of fence to get you into the too-small parking lot. I also wish I'd taken a camera just to capture on of the arrows painted on the road. You know those arrows that tell you if it's a straight only lane, or right only, or right and straight? Well this arrow was marking a "forward and backward" lane. I'm sorry, but what in the world?

My final rant for the day....and I cringe even to write this because it's so darned mean....but old people drivers! On my very slow, residential street I had this little old lady ran a stop sign (two way, I didn't have one) and turned right in front of me. Luckily, I was going pretty slow and saw that she had no intention of I did. Then a block later she blew straight through another stop sign by the school! Not a flicker of brake lights! Thank goodness no kids were out! Please, if your grandma drives like this, offer her a ride. And hide her keys. And remove the spark plugs from her car. Thank you.