Friday, March 2, 2007

How many Krispies can one woman eat?

I'd like to tell you, but I honestly don't know. I will tell you that I completely wiped out what was left of them today! Now, in my defense, Celia enjoyed several....Jordan got one in his lunch and I used up all my willpower to save him another for when he got home from school. Oh, and a friend stopped by and had one. I don't think poor Chris got any! He's weird though and I'm not sure he even likes Rice Krispy treats. Here is Celia enjoying a treat....

I'm shocked that Chris found a Choxie bar that he likes! That man never eats good junk food....he sticks to Little Debbie fudge brownies. Plus he can clear a freezer of meatballs or pizza rolls in no time!

Luckily I've been blessed with the kind of metabolism that lets you eat a pan of Rice Krispy treats without doing too much damage (hey, I did consume 170% of my daily vitamins and minerals....Krispies are fortified!). But....I turn 30 next year. I've heard that kind of metabolism packs up and relocates if it hears that you've hit the big 3-0. So if you see me walking around (or waddling, what have you...) next year with a butt the size of montana, please remove the Krispies from my sticky paws and stick me on a treadmill. Thanks.