Thursday, March 8, 2007


Argh! If I have to pick up one more crumb, dirty sock, or stinkin' piece of popcorn, my head is going to explode.

Which would be an awesome feat in itself....because we are now at the end of Day 3 of "Chris is out of town and I've had no adult contact" so much of what's up there is mush. It would take a lot to get mush to explode. I guess saying "no adult contact" isn't really fair, because I have seen some other adults...just not really had much contact. I've caught a glance of both Heather and Bo....but just in passing dropping stuff or kids off. Chuck came over to work on the bathroom tonight...but he was working, so I wasn't going to bother him with meaningless chatter. Plus, he's a quiet guy and I'm never sure what to say. He's really really usually I'm just too worried about sounding like an idiot, so I just keep my mouth shut.

Old church cancelled Bible study due to weather yesterday. Don't they know that is my sanctuary of kid free intelligent conversation? My reason to put on pants with a zipper and makeup? They must not have gotten that memo from God about that added commandment "Thou shalt not cancel any church activities when Chris is out of town". (Just kidding God....I swear I'm not making up memos in Your name!)

So now I'm debating what to do tomorrow. While obsessively vacuuming today (I love to vacuum) I noticed that the walls upstairs are quite fingerprinty and could use a wipe down. It's almost spring, so I could totally call that spring cleaning and be done with that part of it! But really, for my own sanity, we should get out of the house. If not, by the time Chris gets home, I will ahve lost any social graces I ever had (not much to begin with) and become so agoraphobic that I can no longer shop. And that will be a tragedy.

The bright side of my almost meltdown was that both kids were in bed immediately when the clock struck 8. I had time to (once again) vacuum the explosion of popcorn off the living room floor and make myself some really good potato skins. But it was really strange standing in a quiet, clean kitchen at 8:30 watching my food cook.