Monday, March 12, 2007

Beethoven Reincarnate

If Beethoven played the guitar. And wore jeans. And was a little more cheery. And played at gigs like the school talent show.

Okay, maybe not reincarnate, but I think you'll all agree with me that this is the best (and the cutest) rendition of Beethoven's Ode to Joy ever!

Umm, that's his music teacher holding the mike. Pay no attention to her. We're not going to even talk about the production and organizational aspect of the show because it was....well....not how I would do it. That's all I'm going to say about that.

I will gush on and on about these cute kids though! I could have listened to them all day! Highlights of the show:

Crazy arm dancer boy. He had some crazy fast arms and a serious case of stage fright. Poor little guy was fine as long as he was in his spot (the far left, back corner of the stage) but any tie the music teacher tried to coax him out he would totally freeze. Total cutie though!

Two little girls singing a song from High School Musical. You could tell the were best friends...they came out holding hands for moral support. Anytime either of them got nervous they would look at the other, they would smile at each other and keep going strong! They were so sweet.

There were tons of great little singers, dancers, jump-ropers, pianists, and joke tellers. There was one little girl who just broke my heart. She was the sweetest, prettiest little thing. She started her song and was doing SO great....and then her cd skipped. And skipped. And skipped. Her little face just fell.....skipping cds were par for the course tonight. Which makes me think crappy cd player. Anyway she just looked so sad...I almost cried.

Also, I got to hear an eight year old say "shake your moneymaker". Thankfully he did not demonstrate any shaking.

So Jordan did his thing. I thought he was brilliant (awards are given out tomorrow, so we'll see what the "judges" though) and we decided that we needed celebratory Shamrock Shakes. We also needed to take a friend to pick up his truck, so we lumped all that together in one.

Pulled into the first McDonalds....they are out of Shamrock mix.

Pulled into second McDonalds......not only are they out of Shamrock Mix, but they also have no ice cream.

Tried out a Burger Kind (we decided to settle on vanilla shakes and hershey pie). No ice cream.

The last McDonalds in my podunk town......they are done selling Shamrock Shakes. We settled (unhappily) on McFlurries.

What does it take to get a Shamrock Shake? Does anyone know what is in those things? Surely I could make something close!


Anonymous said...

I saw your request and had to give you the "secret" ingredients....Enjoy!

McDonald’s Shamrock Shake

2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 1/4 cups low-fat milk
1/4 teaspoon mint extract (not peppermint)
8 drops green food coloring

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend on high speed until smooth.

Stop blender to stir with a spoon if necessary to help blend ice cream.

Pour into two 12 ounce cups and serve each with a straw.

This is a fun way to Shake up St. Paddy's day.

Just whip up a batch of the top secret recipe version of mcdonald's shamrock shake.

Simply follow the directions above and you'll be able to reproduce the frosty green drink at home.

mrs. b said...

I'm SO excited. They don't know what Shamrock shakes are down here and I miss them. Now we can make our own.

Rebecca said...

Cool. I already bought some mint chocolate chip ice cream and figured we could make do with that. Or course, that was when I thought wednesday was St. Paddy's I'm going to make brownies with green chocolate chips!