Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Look what we got.

That's right. It's a lava lamp. The generous people at Google sent it to my husband to compensate him for long hours away from his family and middle of the night phone calls while Beta testing some new radio software. We also got a large supply of very nice clicky pens.

So we ate dinner last night all watching this thing in anticipation. The kids just didn't seem to understand that it would take some time to warm up and work properly. Finally after baths, the kids oohed and ahhed over it, then went to bed.

Chris and I spent a nice evening on the couch, speculating on the water problems and watching Bruce Almighty. Which we both agree is a serious funny movie.

Movie ends and I walk into the bedroom.....and what do you think I find? That darn lava lamp. And my could just about hear the porn music emanating from his head. Not really.....but he I'm pretty sure he did really think that lime green lava lamp was a nice addition to the bedroom I have slowly been decorating for the past year. I don't think he was messing with me on that account. And being that he had the look of a child whose drawing didn't make it on the fridge when I mentioned it did not fit with the look I was going looks like I may have to live with it in there for quite awhile. I'm telling you honey, it would look way better in the playroom. Or the basement. Lava lamps look GREAT in basements. I'm pretty sure that's the room they were designed for! But if you really want it to stay in the bedroom....I will grudgingly find a way to fit it in. Our friends may wonder though....

Celia has been quietly playing as I've been typing this. Then she crawled up on the couch with me and I noticed a particularly nasty odor about her. I endured it while she used her cute little Yoda way of talking to tell me about what she had "Surprise for you in my purse I do have mommy!" I'm trying not to breathe as she pulls one thing after another out of the purse, showing them to me one at a time. Finally as the purse is empty she said "I have a surprise poop for you too!" Sorry wasn't that big of a surprise.