In honor of Valentine's Day, let me introduce you to my husband. Here we are on our wedding day....a pose I know he wishes we'd strike more often! He's pretty understanding of my usual "everyone stay out of my personal space attitude". However you want to look at it, either I got really lucky or I chose really any case I ended up with a pretty good guy. I think what first attracted me to him was his amazing amount of talent (well, after the physical cuteness). He one of those musical people who can play ANY instrument pretty well, and about half of them better than anyone I've ever known. (Thankfully, that talent does not extend to the flute....the only one I can play! Being better than me at that may have worked against him!) Since he can both read music and play by ear, he can play anything that you want or comes to his mind. While we were dating, he used to play "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" and make up silly words to it. He still doesn't know all of the word to any song!
Then I learned that he had a super cool radio job! I've learned since then (since he still works with the radio station, just in a different area) that the job does have it's down points (he's basically the only person in his company who know how to do what he does...which makes him very valuable and highly overworked) it's still pretty cool and has some nice perks. Plus (an this came as a real surprise to me) he's REALLY smart. Possibly even smarter than me ~gasp~Now that we've had kids, I get to see a side of him I didn't see when we were dating. He's a complete goofball. Both kids know this and when the want a laugh, dad is where they go. Through the blur of the picture, you can see how happy Celia is to run laps around him with her stroller. He barely flinches when she wacks his leg. Jordan looks to him for all source of bodily humor and as a gaming partner. Dad is an xbox genius on everything except Lego Star Wars. (He just falls asleep while playing that particular game). Jordan has also learned that while mom might be able to teach you all the rules and techniques of things like soccer, it's way more fun to play with dad.....even when he won't follow the rules.
Both kids also know who the softie is around here and who they can wrap around their finger. Celia has discovered that good ole dad can NOT refuse a sweet little plea to "sleep in my bed" and exercises this new found right more than is good for her. Jordan has discovered that dad usually lets you eat a lot more junk food than mom (with the exception of gum. I used to be the gum supplier around here, since Chris is terrified of choking kids. Then we had the gum in the hair and gum on the wall incident last summer and it's banned in the house). Dad also never says crazy things like "turn that video game off, it's melting your brain" like mom might. My personal favorite is that for whatever reason, Jordan now prefers that Dad be present when there is any kind of puking to be done. Can't tell you how sad I am to lose THAT job!
There he is......and I'm off to make him some brownies for Valentine's Day. If you see him, please remind him that today IS Valentine's Day.....
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The Man, the Myth, the Great Chris Moran
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Let me take a minute on my wife's blog to also say what a wonderful wife and mother that she truly is.
I can think of no other person that I could have found that I would rather spend the rest of my life with. Despite all the stress of having kids at a young age, and then "growing up" together and raising a family, she continues to amaze me day in and day out. She is an amazing mother to our kids and a wonderful wife and companion to me. Always there to help someone else out, even when I'm not always supportive of it.
A major weakness of mine is that I am horrible at ever expressing my feelings, and I don't show her nearly enough just how much she means to me, but on Valentine's day, honey, I love you more than I can ever express in words or actions., I would never, ever support Hilary. And, as for Chris Moran being REALLY smart -- well, I think that could be
Whew! I was afraid you were selling out to the Hilary hype!
I know, it really shocked me to find out he was smart as well. I'm now regretting mentioning it because he tries to bring it up every time we disagree now..."but you said I was smarter that you so I must be right"
He still can't decode the Geico caveman commercials!
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