Saturday, February 24, 2007

Conversations from my head....

You know...those conversations that only take place in your own head. Here are mine for the day.
(with Chris)

"Gee Honey, your hair looks great! Did you cut it again?"

or maybe

"You look difference....what's different?"

or at least a

"You cut your looks a little butch"

What I really get: "Check out my pecs!"

(with Jordan)

"Wow mom, thanks so much for buying me cool new shelves, hanging my tv on the wall, and organizing all my stuff again! I love it"


"Mmmm, dinner"

What I really get "Did you buy me batteries yet?"

Amazingly are some of the real comments I get from Celia, crazy as they may be!

"Mommy, does my poop make you happy? Watch out, it's a dangerous poop!"

"You wike my new shoes? I wike deese shoes! Deese are nice shoes"

and my personal favorite....

"Aw mommy, I wuv you hair. It's nice hair. You an angelmommy"