Monday, April 23, 2007

Riding the Wave of Productivity

We managed to get a ton of stuff done over the weekend, and I'm still getting stuff done today.

Saturday morning Jordan's soccer team (I'm coaching) had the first game of the season. The boys played really well and I was very proud of them. We lost the game, but most of their shots were luck shots....and I think we can avoid those next time.

Then we took the kids to Dairy Creme Corner (I'm sure I've blogged about this place...but I can't find it. So maybe I just thought about blogging about it. In any case, if you ever come through Fairmont you MUST go there) and got the kids some ice cream. Jordan can finally finish a small cone, and Celia was a glorious sticky mess after her baby cone.

We came home, put her down for nap, and Hubby and I commenced to attacking our overgrown, weed ridden yard.

Wouldn't you know it, that mower started right up for him. On the first pull. Stupid sexist piece of machinery.

He cut the grass, I did all the edging. Then...umm...I don't remember what happened. We did some other stuff outside that needed doing. Celia got up and we walked over to the football field and hit some golf balls....then some dinner and more yard work.

I chided hubby into helping me clear the spot of our soon to be pumpkin patch. He was not into the clearing of weeds thing, made a rather tactless comment that he has begged I not share. I glared at him and sent him to play Frisbee with the boy.

Celia is turning into a real helper in the garden. I gave her a bucket and her little watering can and she carefully watered every patch of dirt out there.

Sunday was church, more yard work. We had another bush to remove...I let hubby use the axe this time....I think he enjoyed it. Then we took the kids over to play in his parent's yard as ours had fertilizer on it. Put the kids to bed and put up some tile.

All in all, a pretty momentous weekend in our usually slovenly lives.

So today I did my best to stay on the wave. I did the whole "move all the furniture, roll up the rugs" mopping of the hardwood floors thing that only gets done about 4 times a year. Usually 3 of them during the spring/summer. There just something about beautiful warm weather that makes me want to throw open the windows, turn on the fans, and mop my floors.

Celia and I also planted some more seeds. Peppermint, Chamomile, Sage, and some Morning Glories. She watered our little baby pumpkin plants (yes, I know. I will most likely have pumpkins in August now....someone told me I should start them so I did. No big deal...we'll have pumpkin pie in August and I'll plant more for October). She's very cute and careful with her watering...and talks to each and every one as she makes she they get the right amount of water.

Oh yeah baby. Check out that pink tile on the wall and the brown linoleum floor. Trendy. I'm starting that room (on a much smaller scale) as soon as we finish the bathroom.

Also, will someone get that girl a ponytail holder already?

Tomorrow we hit the yard as soon as the boys are gone. Hopefully we'll get those pumpkins in the ground and plant my Clematis.

1 Comment:

The Film Geek said...

Terrific post, and great pictures!