Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Random Things I Find Amusing

Not much so say about my day. We took Jordan to a new dentist in an effort to get a few fillings done and talk about orthodontic work. The decision was made that next visit we're going to dope him up and do everything that needs done at once. He's really looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to the $800 we have to pay out of pocket for the "doping up". It's not covered by our insurance. Apparently, you are supposed to hold your kid down and increase his already enormous amount of dental anxiety while he gets a tooth pulled. Don't even get me started on the price of orthodontics. So here are some random links....

You can lead a panda to porn, but you can't make her procreate.

Keith Richards snorts his father.

What Chris and his pal Kevin do at work all day.

Alanis and her lovely lady lumps (much thanks to The Film Geek for this little gem. I laughed all afternoon):