Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hop on Pop

Most wretched of days. Things are not going well on the home front.

I didn't sleep well last night. M*A*S*H came on last night and I thought, "Cool, my dad used to love this show! I remember watching it with him! It was funny!" Only last night the episode I chose to watch was not funny, but sad and disturbing (Episode 191: Dreams). I went to bed, slept little, and had freakish dreams when I did. First, jogging around downtown in just my bra. Second, strange, smiling children were at the door at night....worse yet I responded by barking, jumping, and growling at them like a mad dog, then would rip the door open to find no children there. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Then this morning I got to showcase my skills of crappy motherhood as I chased my out of control toddler around a church parking lot so Jordan could participate in a bike rodeo (bike safety). Said event culminated in us having to leave before he got to accept his rewards after Celia waked into a 6 inch deep mud bog before I could catch her (that fast little booger must have Olympic aspirations or something)...but not before I got to showcase my failure as a wife as well with my puffy eyes and snarky retorts on where Hubby was (Vegas) and what a shame it was I didn't go with him.

So basically, I suck as a mom, I suck as a wife. I have no real occupation right now (and the house is a perpetual mess) so I guess that makes me an all around loser.

Several good things to leave you with....

My peas a sprouting. Grow baby grow.

My father in law was here for awhile....we are going to lay some tile tomorrow. Yay for progress.

Lastly, a cute video of Celia "reading" Hop on Pop: