Friday, June 1, 2007

Domesticated Flowers

They are by no means wild. These are some very tame and well-behaved. They are also examples of survival of the fittest. I am not a gardener. No green thumbs here.

This is the Gerbera daisy in a flower pot on the porch. I love this thing....but it guzzles water like nothing I have seen before! It's also in need of some more Miracle's looking a little dull.

These are the roses in the front of my house. They were here when we moved in 8 years ago. That alone tells you how hardy they really are!

This flower is a favorite of my husband. It's called a Red Hot Poker. He can't even look at the thing without snickering. Enough said.

This is my new favorite. It's called Nasturium. Or something like that. Anyway, my friend told me that you just throw the seeds down anywhere...preferably in the wort soil you can find. And they will grow. And don't you love it....I threw them down and they grew.

These are my daisies. They were my very first gardening triumph. I started them from seed about 5 years ago . They've been divided and transplanted many times. And next year they will move again. For some strange reason I planted them right in the front of my new bed. You know, completely blocking anything else from sight. Next year I plan to use some with tall grasses at the front of my porch and move the rest to the back of this bed.

Remember these guys? I started them from seed back in April...and here they are doing well in my garden. I'm so pleased!

Here are the pumpkins:

And the peas:

Lastly, this is a box of cactus on my front porch. Someone dropped them off a few weeks ago....and I have nothing to do with them. I don't want to put them in the yard because, well, the kids will probably fall in them. I'm afraid to throw them out in the trash because I'm afraid the trashmen might get poked. So there they sit. Celia picked one up last week and I got to remove the teeny little spines that you can't even hardly see. It was fun.

Notice that even though they've been sitting in a box for three weeks, with no soil or water, they are still growing. New little buds all over this bugger.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

You can pinch off the nasturtium blossoms when they're fresh and put them in a salad!

They're very good for you.