Thursday, June 21, 2007

"Nobody touches King Bobo!"

This is what Celia says as she glowers out from underneath some fake foam bugs she stuck on her face....and has pretty much the theme of the day.

I hate to say this, but I hope she's still sick and that's why she's acting this way....because if she thinks this is just how it's going to be from now on, she's got another thing coming to her. Am I a horrible mother to hope my kid is sick?

Anyway, in between squabbles and quarrels and shrieks of indignation, I'm try to get some work done. This is how everything gets so messy. I get time only to complete tasks in bits and pieces until everything is a jumble of half finished work.

Plus the Hubby and I had an almost comical discussion because I prefer that he not refer to me as "the boss" to his friends and almost in the same breath tell me that "If I want to go golf saturday then I'm just going to go" like some kind of petulant child. I really don't need anymore petulant children to deal with. Two is plenty, thank you.

Bottom line is, if you are going to say things that hurt me more, just leave me be. Seriously. Now the pain of being the big meanie to both our kids AND everyone else we know is entirely diminished by the fact that I'm also viewed as the big meanie by my husband who has an open dread of spending the rest of his life with me.

And you know, if you'd just left me alone like I asked you to I would have probably forgotten all about the original insult in the first place by now.

Am I allowed to stick foam bugs on my face and mutter "Nobody touches Kind Bobo" at anyone who comes near? I really think that would make me feel better.


Anonymous said...

After several google searches I know who King Bobo is...Dora the Explorer

It would be a good picture with Gracie and the foam bugs : )

Hint to careful what you say as it just might come true.....the boss has the ability to say you can't go golf any day.

Christopher Scott Jones said...

Buy the golf game for your Wii and tell him to play that.

Rebecca said...

It's not the playing of golf I have a problem with (though I would some time of my own to do something fun...and NO, grocery shopping doesn't count). We do have Wii sports with golf on it.

It's being the bad guy to everyone in the universe that I don't like. I really don't think I am a bad guy, or all that unreasonable.

I tried telling him that due to rising incidences of sexual harassment in the workplace, the new company policy is you can't sleep with the boss.....that didn't fly so well.

Huh, I didn't even know who King Bobo was. You'd think with all the Dora in the house I'd have figured it out!