Friday, June 1, 2007

Amy Winehouse - Rehab

Seriously, what is up with this song?

I had Chris's car going to the store the other day. Since I barely know how to work his radio, I just left it on the station he listens to....WVAQ. Which I usually dismiss as pop crap, but every once in a while something will come on that surprises me.

So this song starts up. It's got a cool retro 50's laidback rhythm, and some almost Blues Brothery horns. This girl starts singing....and she's got a real unique voice. I like that, being different. Not like the 1001 other half breathy - half throaty pop starlets out there today.

But then I start listening to the lyrics. Seriously, my first thought was "Is she making fun of Nicole Richie?" Guess not, but they are slightly disturbing nonetheless. It's another one of those "pop icons are responsible for the message they send out" rants. Really. Kids today have problems. They are getting in trouble. Please don't encourage them to avoid rehab.

That aside...the timing is off. HER timing is off. In just a few spots, but it bugs me. It must be on purpose, because you can produce a song so that an atonal girl with no rhythm sounds great and sings right on the beat. But I can't fathom why someone would put that little 1/2 beat catch in there on purpose. Just to bug the crap out of me.

So I had to watch the video, just to see if it gave me any insight. Not really, but I did get to see her hideous eye makeup. Again....I know this girl has a stylist. Who looked at her face and said "Yeah, that's good. That's the look we're going for!"?

I must be really old and out of touch.


Wendy said...

I havent listened to the song all the way through, and I cant right now because it is nap time, but I chalk it up to her being British. I heard that this was her retort to people around her suggesting that she needs to go to rehab. From the way I hear it she is quite the boozer. You know she is rock n roll and is against society. @@ Whatever. You need to learn how to change the station in that car. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I think she sucks. Plain and simple. Music today has yet to impress me which is why I stick to my moldie oldies and classic rock. :)If that makes me old and out of be it!