Wednesday, June 6, 2007

School's Out for Summer!

Today was Jordan's last day of school. He was half excited, half sad. He enjoys school, but we have some fun summer stuff planned.

Plus today was the final day of his being grounded from the Wii (this kid neglected to turn in 3! spelling papers last week and brought home a D!). He's been missing it for a week. He had big plans today. Since it was an early release, he planned to sprint home from the bus and play Wii.

Mission accomplished.

Today was also his first day of swim team practice. He's been swimming for a few summers, but I'm hoping the swim team might give him some more confidence with his skills. So far I really like it. The instructors seem great.

After dinner we went for a walk on the Rail Trail again...and guess what? I finally remembered the camera!

We decided to go on MCTrail. I really prefer the Mon River Trail...but the kids love that tunnel.

So here we are. First glimpse of the tunnel (south side) and we have to let Celia out of the stroller. I'm amazed how much walking those little legs do!

Off they go! Have I mentioned how Celia adores her big brother. Where ever he goes, she's gotta go too. He sits down to rest, so does she. He tosses a rock, so does she. He pees in the woods....well, she does that too.

Ready and waiting, at the entrance to the tunnel.

Break on through to the other side.....

It's actually a lot longer than it looks as you stand at the entrance. I think it's 1500 ft....

So here is the north entrance. Step out, turn around, and look up. There you go.

And to your right we have a waterfall....

Then we walked. And walked and walked. We walked a whole mile. Even Celia.

So turn around and head back to the car. There they go.....


Christopher Scott Jones said...

There is a rail trail along the Gauley River near Craigsville that has a bending tunnel in it and, for about 20 feet in the middle, you cannot see either end. One time I saw a friend (a guy that would never back down from a fight and is now an extreme sports guide) run screaming like a little girl when he hit the dark spot. Granted, it didn't help that we told them that the tunnel was haunted.

Rebecca said...

Ha! My kids act all creeped out, but they really aren't. My son would really like to go stand in one of the faux doors (you know, the "Oh crap I'm in the tunnel and a train is coming alcoves) but he is too scared to do that. He does speculate all the way through the tunnel about what would happen if you didn't make it to one in time.....

primalscreamx said...

Looks like a pretty cool daytrip from Charleston.