Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Cat. I'm a Kitty Cat.

We have some cats. Three of them, to be exact.

According to my neighbors, they are a menace. Always getting into the trash when they put it out on trash night.

First off a trash can. You can get one with a lid for less than $10. Seriously.

Anyway, my cats are extra special super talented cats. At some point in their kitty lives they have acquire human intelligence. I don't know when they did this, but I guess they stole some keys. They made a copy and let themselves in and out at will. Because we bring them in every trash night, and they are still in the house the next morning. But that lady up the street insists that she sees my cats digging dirty diapers (eww) out of her trash. Not a raccoon. Or a opossum. Or a stray. It's definitely one of my cats.

So here they are, the troublemakers.

First up we have Periwinkle......AKA Mama Cat. She snuck out on our wedding night and got herself knocked up. (She was an inside cat so Chris saw no reason to have her spayed. Ha ha HA). The little minx. She has since been fixed, but I think she still has a little side business going on that I don't know about. There's just something sweet but sneaky about her.

Okay, next we have Baby Cat. Yeah, that's her real name. She's the only kitten we couldn't bear to get rid of. She is certainly not the mastermind of an grand plans. This animal is a couple carrots short of a salad. She's also incredibly skittish and only lets Jordan pet her. I had crawl up to her when she was sleeping and use super zoom to even get a picture of her. Take note of the blank, vacant stare. That's all she's got folks. Chris blames it on the fact that we picked her up and petted her to early as a kitten. I think Mama Cat got knocked up by a long lost cousin or something.

Lastly we have Brianna. She's my favorite. Unfortunately, she's also a prime suspect for sneaking out of the house. You see, she's the only cat with opposable thumbs. Necessary for using keys and opening doors. She's CAT, the missing link.

She is also my favorite because she follows the rules of the house. I've told these girls a million times...."If you're going to sneak out and go drinking with all your cat buddies, you better make it to the toilet with your little kitty hangover the next day. There's nothing I hate more than cat puke on my floor.

She gets it. And I love her for it. Though we did have to buy her that cute little Dora seat so she wouldn't fall in while yakking. You should see her trying to get it up there before she blows chunks though......

They are all due for a rabies vaccination this year. Wish me luck getting them in the carrier!

If these cats weren't cute enough for you, check out this one. He's my kid's favorite You Tube video!


Jelly-Filled said...

If my cats would do their puking in the toilet, I think my husband might not feel compelled to snarl at them every time he sees them. Perhaps WE need one of those Dora seats . . . ;-)

Your kitties are gorgeous!

larryosaurus said...

I never thought I was a cat guy until I got a dog. Now I'm convinced I'm a cat guy.

And that video's in constant rotation around here now. Thanks!

Barbie Girl said...

Awww, they are so cute. My daughter insists that Mama Cat is our cat.

We love your cats.