Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Count Chocula Strikes

Celia is nothing if not resourceful. She will push the kitchen stools around and use them to climb and find her favorite.....chocolate! We've tried several different places and the only one she can't get yet is on top of the little china cabinet...but I can't reach it there either!

Please ignore the mess in the kitchen, we were shopping all morning.

The Walmart trip was a bust. They didn't have the detergent I was looking for AND, they stopped carrying fabric. Which really makes me mad because we used to have a Joann fabric, but they went out of business after Walmart opened up. So now if I want fabric, I have to drive 25 minutes to the mall. I hate the freaking mall.......

The one saving grace of the trip was Celia's little song she made up. She's all strapped in to her little seat just singing "Two good friends, you and me....two good friends, you and me" ..... "You my friend mommy?" It was absolutely adorable.

I'm trying to get moving and get some stuff done while Celia is napping (well, supposed to be napping, I hear her jabbering away up there) but I've been horribly achy this week. First I thought maybe I was getting kidney stones because of a dull, burny pain in my back. But it didn't get bad (like kidney stones would) and saturday I felt fine. Then my throat started hurting and I was sneezey and achy again, so I was worried I was getting the flu (which would be a first, I don't think I've ever had it). But by yesterday my cold symptoms were gone (they were never bad, no fever even) and I still get achey on and off. Now I think I'm just getting old and don't want to move when it's cold outside! Ack.....I'm not even 30. I better get over that quick!

1 Comment:

brooke said...

I thought of you on Tuesday when I walked into our Walmart to find them scrubbing out the fish tanks. Turns out they are getting rid of the fish & the fabric. blah! This on top of losing our portrait studio within the last two weeks. Where am I supposed to go-30 minutes down the road?