Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What a mess!

Celia is on a search for yogurt pieces in Special K this morning! She's nothing if not resourceful!

I'm also quite unhappy with my pictures I hung last night. I had all of our pictures hanging on one wall in the living room, but we got a new picture of my in-laws for Christmas (that's right) and ran out of room on my little wall. So I decided to move them all to a larger wall (plus I was just on some "I'm not happy so I need to change everything right now" decorating binge yesterday). I made paper shadows of each one, got them taped where I liked, put up the nails. Then I hung my pictures and lo and behold, I have a perfectly symmetrical pyramid of pictures on my wall! Totally not what I was going for.

So I need to fix that today!

Celia and I are thinking of going shopping. We need to go to Walgreens to get some free toilet paper (yay) and Target to get some more almost free cereal to feed her little yogurt clump habit. I'm kind of waiting to see what the weather does though. The school around here do crazy things like send kids home in the middle of the day for some flurries, so I need to stick close to home if it looks bad. I'm currently without a cell phone (got tired of paying Sprint an arm and a leg for something I rarely use!) so I'm afraid I would miss the closing announcement and not be home when Jordan got here!

Jordan gets his report card today and has an orthodontist appointment...so it's a big day for him!

Chris and I started cleaning out his half of the basement. Mine is mess since we're remodeling the bathroom above it and need the space to cut wood and other messy things, but there's no reason Jordan can't have his Fooseball table down in Chris's half so his little room isn't so cramped. Plus, then he can be as loud and rowdy as he wants, no matter if Celia is sleeping or not.